Dooner Will Push for Small Business Bill of Rights

Taunton, MA Today Taunton City Councilor and candidate for the State Senate Kelly Dooner announced that she will file a Small Business Bill of Rights legislation when elected. 

“Last year the city of Taunton had over 171 new businesses register. These businesses help us alleviate the property tax burden on homeowners and provide jobs. Unfortunately, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is known for being anti-small business. That’s why when I am elected to the State Senate, I am going to pick up where Representative now Mayor Shaunna O’Connell left off passing a Small Business Bill of Rights. I will be the pro-small business Senator our communities need,” said Dooner. 

“While I am staunchly against increasing taxes, if there is a tax increase on businesses, there should be a one year waiting period for the businesses to adjust. The same goes for new regulations as well,” said Dooner. “As the only candidate in this race that works in the private sector, I believe that I am the best equipped to help small businesses that are the lifeblood of our economy.” 

Here is a list of Dooner’s initial initiatives: 

Small Business Bill of Rights for the Commonwealth

One-year adjustment period before a new regulation can take effect
Businesses need certainty. By creating a one-year waiting period, businesses will have the time to prepare for the new requirement and make the appropriate adjustments. It will make it more affordable for them.
One-year waiting period before a new tax can take effect
This initiative will give businesses time to adjust to the higher cost of doing business.
Require a systematic cost/benefit analysis of regulations every 5 years
While regulations get reviewed from time to time, Dooner believes that it should occur every 5 years to ensure that regulations have not outlived their usefulness.
Allow people to freelance work and allow businesses to hire freelancers 
The Massachusetts state law on independent contractors makes it almost impossible to hire a freelance person. By correcting the definition, we will be creating more opportunities for businesses to test new positions which often lead to full-time positions.
Require a cost-benefit analysis of all new energy projects
The cost of doing business in Massachusetts is very expensive. We have some of the highest utility costs in the nation. Before beginning a utility project, there should be a cost-benefit analysis to determine the worthiness of the project.
Require hearings before taxes are increased
By holding hearings around the state, businesses will be able to educate legislators as to the direct impact before there is a vote.
Limit treble damages to willful actions
These hefty fines should only be imposed on small businesses when there is willful action on wage disputes, not for innocent mistakes.
One Stop Permitting
The state needs a one-stop permitting process to make it easier to start a business.
Lower Fees
Massachusetts has some of the heftiest fees for starting a business. Dooner will work to lower the fees to encourage entrepreneurship.

“Small businesses are the heart of the Massachusetts economy. Over 95% of the businesses in Massachusetts are small businesses and they employ more than 46% of our workforce. With the passage of my plan, we can grow our small business community and good paying jobs,” added Dooner. 

Kelly Dooner was elected to the Taunton City Council in 2021 being the youngest woman ever elected to the City Council. She has served as the President of the City Council, worked to make Taunton a Purple Heart City, worked with Mayor O’Connell on doubling the senior tax credit, and helped bring a common sense voice to the city’s financial issues. Last year, Kelly was also elected to the Taunton Planning Board working to revitalize the city. 

Kelly Dooner is a lifelong resident of Massachusetts. She earned her paralegal certificate in applied legal studies at Boston University. Dooner has been actively involved in the Massachusetts Young Republicans and serves on their Executive Board. She is also a member of the New England Young Conservatives.

Kelly Dooner For State Senate

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